Sunday, August 30, 2009

Special Friends

I said it last post and it is just so true! Capturing and sharing special moments or times in the live of my friends is the reason I love photography. The past few weeks I have had the great privilege to do this with the Allen & Gable families - both have special places in my heart :)

Clay B. Class of 2010

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Murray Family

I think I have said it before, but one of the things I love to do most is capture special moments in the life of my friends. Last week I had an opportunity to do just that with the Murray family in Houston, TX. What a beautiful family that will soon add a new member :)

2010 Seniors: Shelby & Chelsey

Almost a year ago, I met Shelby for the very first time...She was in fact, my very first test model to help me determine if I could really do this photography thing... I love spending time with her and she is by far one of the coolest high school seniors I know!

Just a few weeks ago, while shooting the Carden 50th Anniversary party, I met Chelsey and her family. What a beautiful young lady with an amazing spirit! So glad that I was able to capture her beauty in all of her photos.