Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One weekend, five families and one BIG event!

It was cold outside, but all of my families were tough and braved the cold weather for their family photos. Friday, I spent the afternoon with my precious friend Kerry and her beautiful son Jack on his 1st birthday. Then, Saturday was crazy day...I started at 9:30 and finally pulled in the driveway at 4:45! (Thanks to the White, Baro, Stanelle, Tucker and Mason families!) But when you are doing what you love, you don't even notice the time or how exhausted you are until you hit the bed :) Sunday morning up again and on to the Harkin family with their two puppies....Sunday afternoon was the Children's Holiday Party at the Four Seasons Hotel and it was so fun! Great kids and Great Pictures! What I learned this weekend was large groups and puppies can be challenging, but if I act cool and calm then they do too!

A few of my favorites :)